Namespace Gamelogic.Colors
- AffineCircleNode
A node that allows the user to define an affine circle of colors.
- ColorGenerator
Contains methods for creating color generators.
- ColorPaletteProperties
Properties for a color generation algorithm.
- ColorTransformNode
A TransformNode that transforms colors into other colors.
- ColorTransformRandomNode
A TransformRandomNode that transforms colors into other colors.
- ConcatenateNode
A Node<TOutput> that outputs all the input colors.
- ConstantColorNode
A node with no inputs, and that outputs constant colors (selected from the nodes interface).
- CreateGradientHSLNode
A node that outputs an HSL gradient formed from the input colors.
- CreateGradientLABNode
A node that outputs an LAB gradient formed from the input colors.
- CreateGradientNode
Creates an RGB gradient from the input colors.
- CreateGradientNode<TColor, TGradient>
A node that outputs an HSL gradient formed from the input colors.
- GLColor
Supports utility methods for working with colors.
- GradientExtensions
Extension methods for Unity's Gradient class.
- GradientHSL
Represents a gradient of HSL colors.
- GradientHSLColorKey
Represents a key-value pair for a GradientHSL
- GradientHSLExtensions
Extension methods for the GradientHSL class.
- GradientKey<TColor>
Represents a key in a Gradient<TColor>.
- GradientLAB
Represents a gradient of ColorLAB.
- Graph
A class the represents a computational graph. Each node in this graph takes some inputs, and calculates outputs, that can in turn be fed as inputs into other nodes.
All nodes produce outputs as lists. When a node has multiple inputs, these are all combined into a single list for the node to operate on.
- HSLColorExtensions
Extensions for Colors related to the HSL color model.
- HarmonyProperties
Properties for the harmony color generation algorithm.
- InspectableColorNode
A class that can be used to access a graph and it's nodes and their outputs from code.
- InvertColorNode
A node that inverts the colors of its inputs.
- InvertLuminosityNode
A node that inverts the luminosity of it's inputs.
- InvertSaturationNode
A node that inverts the staturation of its inputs.
- Mix2Node
A node the linearly interpolates between the first two colors of it's inputs.
- MixNode2
A node the linearly interpolates between the first two colors of it's inputs.
- Node<TOutput>
A node with typed output.
- Node<TInput, TOutput>
A Node with typed inputs and outputs.
- None
A type that can be used for inputs of nodes that don't have inputs.
- OffsetHue
A node that offsets the hues of its inputs.
- OffsetLuminance
A node that offsets the luminances of its inputs.
- OffsetSaturation
A node that offsets the saturations of its inputs.
- Palette
Class that represents a list of colors.
- PaletteGenerator
A MonoBehaviour that can be used to configure a color palette. It has various methods, each generating a different type of palette based on the configured settings.
- ProceduralPalette
Contains functions for generating palettes of Colors using various algorithms.
- RandomColorNode
A node with no inputs that outputs a random color.
- RandomGradientProperties
Properties for the gradient generation algorithm.
- RandomHueProperties
Properties for the random hue color generation algorithm.
- RandomLuminance
Properties for the random luminance color generation algorithm.
- RandomMix3Node
A node that randomly mixes the first three colors of its inputs.
- RandomMixProperties
Properties for the random mix color generation algorithm.
- RandomOffsetNode
A node that randomly offsets the colors of its inputs.
- RandomOffsetProperties
Properties for the random offset color generation algorithm.
- RandomSaturation
Properties for the random saturation color generation algorithm.
- RandomSaturationLuminance
Properties for the random saturation-luminance color generation algorithm.
- RandomWalkColorNode
A node that performs a random walk on the first color in its inputs.
- RandomWalkProperties
Properties for the random walk color generation algorithm.
- ReadonlyColorList
Used to mark color lists that are displayed in the inspector but cannot be edited.
- ResponseCurveHSL
Represents a response curve for HSL values.
- SampleGradientHSLNode
A node whose input is a GradientHSL, and whose output is colors selected from that gradient.
- SampleGradientLABNode
A node whose input is a GradientHSL, and whose output is colors selected from that gradient.
- SampleGradientNode
A node whose input is a gradient, and whose output is colors selected from that gradient.
- SampleGradientNode<TColor, TGradient>
A node whose input is a gradient, and whose output is colors selected from that gradient.
- SetHue
A node that outputs it's input colors with the hue set.
- SetLuminance
A node that outputs it's input colors with the luminance set.
- SetSaturation
A node that takes input colors, and return the same colors with the saturation set.
- Shades
Properties for the shades color generation algorithm.
- SimpleNode<TInput, TOutput>
A simple node is a node that produces a single output for all its inputs.
- TakeAtIndicesNode
A Node<TOutput> that takes colors from the input list based on the specified indices.
- TakeNode
A Node<TOutput> that takes the first n colors from the input colors.
- TakeRandomNode
A Node<TOutput> that takes random colors from the input colors.
- Tints
Properties for the tints color generation algorithm.
- TransformNode<TInput, TOutput>
A class that can serve as the base class for nodes that simply transform each input independent of the others.
- TransformRandomNode<TInput, TOutput>
A class that can serve as the base class for nodes that simply transform each input independent of the others, but also use a random number.
- UniformProperties
Properties for the uniform color generation algorithm.
- ColorHSL
Class for representing colors in the HSL color space.
- ColorGenerationAlgorithm
Algorithms for generating colors.
- ColorSpace
Labels for different color spaces.
- GradientSelectionMode
Which method to use to select colors from a gradient.