Table of Contents

Class ProceduralPalette


Contains functions for generating palettes of Colors using various algorithms.

[Version(1, 0, 0)]
public static class ProceduralPalette
Inherited Members


GenerateColorsEvenGradient(int, GradientHSL, float)

Generate colors evely spaced out on a given gradient.

GenerateColorsEvenGradient(int, Gradient, float)

Generate colors evely spaced out on a given gradient.

GenerateColorsEvenGradient<TColor>(int, Gradient<TColor>, float)

Generate colors evely spaced out on a given gradient.

GenerateColorsGoldenRatioGradient(int, GradientHSL)

Gives a list of colors where that maximises distance on the gradient between consecutive colors.

GenerateColorsGoldenRatioGradient(int, Gradient)

Gives a list of colors where that maximises distance on the gradient between consecutive colors.

GenerateColorsGoldenRatioGradient<TColor>(int, Gradient<TColor>)

Gives a list of colors where that maximises distance on the gradient between consecutive colors.

GenerateColorsRandomGradient(int, GradientHSL)

Generates a list of colours randomly sampled from a gradient.

GenerateColorsRandomGradient(int, Gradient)

Generates a list of colours randomly sampled from a gradient.

GenerateColorsRandomGradient<TColor>(int, Gradient<TColor>)

Generates a list of colours randomly sampled from a gradient.

GenerateHarmony(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)

Generates a random triadic color harmony. You can specify two angle offsets (from a randomly selected reference), and an angle range around each of those.

GenerateHarmony(int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float)
GenerateInAffineCircle(int, Color, Color, Color, float, float)

Generate colors evenly spaced on a circle transformed by an affine mapping defined by the three given colors.

GenerateRandomHue(int, float, float)

Generates a list of colours with random hue, given saturation and given luminance.

GenerateRandomHueInRange(int, float, float, float, float)

Generates a color with random hue in the given range, given saturation and given luminance.

GenerateRandomLuminance(int, float, float)

Generates a list of colours with given hue, given saturation and random luminance.

GenerateRandomMix(int, Color, Color, Color, float, ColorSpace)

Generates a list of colors that are a random mix of the given colors.

GenerateRandomOffset(int, Color, float, float)

Generates a list of colours that are randomly offset from a given color.

GenerateRandomSaturation(int, float, float)

Generates a list of colours with given hue, random saturation and given luminance.

GenerateRandomSaturationLuminance(int, float)

Generates a list of colours with given hue, random saturation and random luminance.

GenerateRandomWalk(int, Color, float, float, bool)

Generates a sequence of colors where the next color is a random offset from the previous color.


Generates a list of colors. For each color, RGB values are chosen randomly.


Generates a list of colors. For each color, HSL values are chosen randomly.

Mix(Color, Color, Color, float, int, float, float, float, ColorSpace)

Gives a color that is a random mix of the given colors.

RandomMix(Color, Color, Color, float, ColorSpace)

Generates a color that is a random mix of the given colors.
