Class Graph
A class the represents a computational graph. Each node in this graph takes some inputs, and calculates outputs, that can in turn be fed as inputs into other nodes.
All nodes produce outputs as lists. When a node has multiple inputs, these are all combined into a single list for the node to operate on.
[Version(1, 1, 0)]
[CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Gamelogic/Colors/Graph", fileName = "New Graph")]
public sealed class Graph : ScriptableObject
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
Object.Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)Object.Instantiate(Object)Object.Instantiate(Object, Transform)Object.Instantiate<T>(T)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Vector3, Quaternion)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Transform)Object.Destroy(Object)Object.DestroyImmediate(Object)Object.DestroyObject(Object)Object.FindObjectsOfType<T>()Object.ToString()Object.hideFlags
- Nodes
Returns all the nodes in this graph.
- Recompute()
Calls recompute on all nodes in the graph.