Class Node
The base class for all nodes in a Graph.
[Version(1, 1, 0)]
public class Node : ScriptableObject
- Inheritance
- Derived
- Inherited Members
Object.Instantiate(Object, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)Object.Instantiate(Object)Object.Instantiate(Object, Transform)Object.Instantiate<T>(T)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Vector3, Quaternion)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Vector3, Quaternion, Transform)Object.Instantiate<T>(T, Transform)Object.Destroy(Object)Object.DestroyImmediate(Object)Object.DestroyObject(Object)Object.FindObjectsOfType<T>()Object.ToString()Object.hideFlags
- rect
The rectangle this node occupies when displayed visually.
- Inputs
A list of nodes that are the inputs for this node.
- AddNodeInput(Node)
Adds a node to this node's inputs.
- Recompute()
Recomputes a nodes internal values that are independent of the inputs.
- RemoveNodeInput(Node)
Removes the given node from the list of input nodes of this node.
- UpdateStatic()
Updates a nodes outputs without recomputing internal (possibly random) values.