Lines (Mayan Magic)

This is a version of the game Lines with a mayan theme.

[button url=””]PLAY GAME[/button]
 You need the Unity Web Plugin to play this example.

Main Game Logic

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using Gamelogic;
using Gamelogic.Grids;

public class Lines : GLMonoBehaviour 
  #region Inspector
  public LinesCell cellPrefab;
  public int width = 5;
  public int height = 5;
  public int lineLength = 4;
  public int colorCount = 3;
  public int cellsPerTurn = 5;

  public GameObject root;

  #region Private Fields
  private Vector2 hexDimensions = new Vector2(74, 84);//

  private PointyHexGrid grid;
  private IMap3D map;
  private bool isHoldingCell;
  private LinesCell cellThatIsBeingHeld;
  private Rect screenRect;
  private int moveCount;

  #region Callbacks
  public void Start()
    moveCount = 0;


  public void Update()
      Vector3 worldPosition = ExampleUtils.ScreenToWorld_NGUI(root, Input.mousePosition);
      PointyHexPoint hexPoint = map[worldPosition];

        ClickPoint (hexPoint);


  private void ClickPoint(PointyHexPoint hexPoint)
    LinesCell clickedCell = grid [hexPoint];

    if (isHoldingCell)
      if (clickedCell.IsEmpty)

        if (!ClearLinesAroundPoint(hexPoint))
        }//otherwise, give the player a "free" turn.

      else if (clickedCell == cellThatIsBeingHeld)
      if (!clickedCell.IsEmpty)

  private void PickUpCell(LinesCell clickedCell)
    cellThatIsBeingHeld = clickedCell;
    isHoldingCell = true;
    clickedCell.HighlightOn = true;

  private void DropCell (LinesCell clickedCell)
    cellThatIsBeingHeld.HighlightOn = false;
    cellThatIsBeingHeld = null;
    isHoldingCell = false;

  private void MoveCell(LinesCell clickedCell)
    cellThatIsBeingHeld.HighlightOn = false;
    SwapCells (cellThatIsBeingHeld, clickedCell);
    cellThatIsBeingHeld = null;
    isHoldingCell = false;

  private void BuildGrid()
    screenRect = new Rect(-Screen.width/2, -Screen.height / 2, Screen.width, Screen.height);

    grid = PointyHexGrid
      .Translate(-1, 2)

    map = new PointyHexMap(hexDimensions)

    foreach (PointyHexPoint point in grid)
      LinesCell cell = Instantiate (cellPrefab);
            Vector3 worldPoint = map[point];

      cell.transform.parent = root.transform;
      cell.transform.localPosition = worldPoint;
      cell.transform.localScale =;

      cell.SetState (true, -1);
      grid[point] = cell;

  private void AddNewCells()
    var emptyCells = GetEmptyCells();
    List cellsToPlace;
    cellsToPlace = emptyCells.SampleRandom(cellsPerTurn);

    foreach(PointyHexPoint point in cellsToPlace)

    emptyCells = GetEmptyCells();

      Debug.Log ("Game Ends!");

  private IEnumerable GetEmptyCells ()
      from point in grid
      where grid [point].IsEmpty
      select point;

  private void SetCellToRandom(LinesCell cell)
    int newColor = (UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, colorCount));    
    cell.SetState(false, newColor);

  private static void SwapCells(LinesCell cell1, LinesCell cell2)
    int tempColor = cell1.Color;
    bool tempIsEmpty = cell1.IsEmpty;

    cell1.SetState(cell2.IsEmpty, cell2.Color);
    cell2.SetState(tempIsEmpty, tempColor);

  private bool ClearLinesAroundPoint(PointyHexPoint point)
    bool wasLinesRemoved = false;
    IEnumerable lines =
      from line in Algorithms.GetConnectedLines(grid, point, (p1, p2) => grid[p1].Color == grid[p2].Color)
      where line.Count() >= lineLength
      select line;

    foreach (IEnumerable line in lines)
      foreach(PointyHexPoint linePoint in line)
        grid[linePoint].SetState(true, -1);

      wasLinesRemoved = true;

    return wasLinesRemoved;

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