Gamelogic Unity Extensions

Extensions supplements the Unity API with convenient features, math utilities, data structures, pattern classes, and extended editor support. Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow.

The library contains:


  • Singleton: The classic Unity singleton for providing global access to certain MonoBehaviours. 
  • Pools: Classes for reusing objects, with optimizations for hashable objects. Designed to build custom pools from. 
  • State machine: Class for managing states and methods that should execute when states change or as it persists. Designed to build custom state machines from.
  • Pushdown Automaton: A state machine that remembers past states and can transition back to them FIFO-style.
  • Clock: Class for executing once-of or regularly timed events. Includes an event for seconds to make clock UIs easier to implement. 
  • ImplementationFactory: Class for creating objects from generic parameters, especially useful for testing different implementations of the same interface. Can serve as the basis for a service locator. 
  • ObservedValue: Class for raising events when a value changes.  
  • Optional: Types to indicate optional values in the inspector. 
  • StateTracker: Classes for raising events when sets of operations complete. 

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Collection extensions: Provides useful extension methods for collections, lists, enumerables, and arrays. 
  • Generators: Objects that work like random generators, but not random. Useful for creating patterns, or random values with elaborate constraints.
  • ResponseCurve: Represents a piecewise linear function from float to any “continuous” type. Ships with response curves for float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, and Color. 
  • Combinatorial algorithms: Class for generating combinations, permutations, the power set, and partitions of a set.
  • LSystem: Supports rewriting strings using rules that can be the basis of certain procedural generation algorithms. 


  • PlayerPrefs: Adds support for bool and array types, and for scoping. 
  • MonoBehaviour: Provides convenience methods such as Instantiate, Invoke (using actions), Tween, GetRequiredComponent, DestroyUniversal, and Clone.
  • GameObject: Provides GetRequiredComponent.
  • Transform: Provides convenience methods for common transformations, useful lazy enumerables.
  • Vector: Provides methods to get a copy of a vector with some coordinates changed, conversion methods from 2D to 3D, methods for basic transformations, “projection and rejection operations, the perp dot product, and Hadamard multiplication and division. 
  • Color: Provides convenient methods to get a color lighter, darker, or with specified brightness or alpha value. 
  • Math: Provides division and modular operations that work correctly with negative numbers, methods for getting fractional value or sign, and methods for doing circular lerping.
  • Debug: Provides a way to add a label to messages, useful when working with console extensions such as Console Pro. 
  • Image: Adds SetAlpha and Set Visible methods.

Editor Extensions

  • Useful decorators and property drawers: Comment, Dummy, Highlight, Flags, Labels, NonNegative, Positive, and WarningIfNull.
  • FieldTypes: List (more usable than older Unity lists), MinMaxFloat, and MinMaxInt.
  • Inspector buttons: Turn methods into buttons that display at the bottom of a component. 
  • GLEditorGUI: Convenient base class for editors. 


  • ScreenshotTaker: Capture screenshots in both the game and the editor effortlessly.
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