A Quick Hex Mesh Generation Script (with Proper Texturing)

hexmesh2 (1)It is sometimes better to create a single mesh, and texture it, instead of creating separate sprites.

Here is a quick script to generate a mesh for a pointy hex grid.

  • Shared verts are repeated, but it should be easy to optimize if you need to.
  • This script was tested with Unity 4.3, but should work with Unity 3 as well. Of course you need our Grids plugin too (either Full, Binary, or Hex).
  • To use the script, drop it onto a game object with a mesh filter and mesh renderer attached. This example uses a texture like the one here http://www.andrethiel.de/ContentImages/2D/Fullsize/Textures_Terrain.jpg.
  • To generate the mesh, right click on the HexMesh component, and select Generate Mesh.
  • The script is easy to modify for different amount of textures (see the two tweakables in the code).
  • It should also be trivial to modify for other types of grids.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
using Gamelogic.Grids;

public class HexMesh : MonoBehaviour
   #region Constants
   private static readonly float Sqrt3 = Mathf.Sqrt(3);

   private static readonly Vector3[] VertexDirections =
      new Vector3(0, 0, 1f/2),
      new Vector3(Sqrt3/4, 0, 1f/4),
      new Vector3(Sqrt3/4, 0, -1f/4),
      new Vector3(0, 0, -1f/2),
      new Vector3(-Sqrt3/4, 0, -1f/4),
      new Vector3(-Sqrt3/4, 0, 1f/4),

   private static readonly Vector2[] UVDirections =
      VertexDirections.Select(v => new Vector2(v.x, v.z) + Vector2.one*0.5f).ToArray();

   private static readonly int[] Triangles =
      6, 0, 1,
      6, 1, 2,
      6, 2, 3,
      6, 3, 4,
      6, 4, 5,
      6, 5, 0

   private static readonly Vector3[] Normals = new Vector3[]

   //Assmes the texture you have on you renderer is divided 
   //in 5x4 rectangles. A texture like this: http://www.andrethiel.de/ContentImages/2D/Fullsize/Textures_Terrain.jpg
   private const int textureGridWidth = 4;
   private const int textureGridHeight = 3;

   const float textureCellWidth = 1f / textureGridWidth;
   const float textureCellHeight = 1f / textureGridHeight;

   const int textureCount = textureGridWidth * textureGridHeight;

   #region Menu commands
   [ContextMenu("Generate Mesh")]
   public void GenerateMesh()
      var grid = PointyHexGrid.Hexagon(50);

      foreach (var point in grid)
         grid[point] = Random.Range(0, textureCount);
      var dimensions = new Vector2(69, 80);

      var map = new PointyHexMap(dimensions)
         .WithWindow(new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0))

      var mesh = new Mesh();

      GetComponent().mesh = mesh;

      GenerateMesh(mesh, grid, map, dimensions);

   #region Implementation
   private static void GenerateMesh(Mesh mesh, IGrid grid, IMap3D map, Vector2 dimensions)
      mesh.vertices = MakeVertices(grid, map, dimensions);
      mesh.uv = MakeUVs(grid);
      mesh.triangles = MakeTriangles(grid);
      mesh.normals = MakeNormals(grid);

   private static Vector3[] MakeNormals(IEnumerable grid)
      return grid.SelectMany(p => Normals).ToArray();

   private static int[] MakeTriangles(IEnumerable grid)
      var vertexIndices = Enumerable.Range(0, grid.Count());

      return vertexIndices
         .SelectMany(i => Triangles.Select(j => i*7 + j))

   private static Vector2[] MakeUVs(IGrid grid)
      return grid
         .SelectMany(p => UVDirections.Select(uv => CalcUV(uv, grid[p])))

   private static Vector3[] MakeVertices(IEnumerable grid, IMap3D map, Vector2 dimensions)
      return grid
         .SelectMany(p => VertexDirections.Select(v => v * dimensions.y + map[p]))

   private static Vector2 CalcUV(Vector2 fullUV, int textureIndex)
      int textureIndexX = textureIndex%textureGridWidth;
      int textureIndexY = textureIndex/textureGridHeight;

      float u = fullUV.x/textureGridWidth + textureIndexX * textureCellWidth;
      float v = fullUV.y/textureGridHeight + textureIndexY * textureCellHeight;

      return new Vector2(u, v);

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