Day 6 Game 6: 30 games in 30 days using Grids

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[slogan]This is what Grids did for us today. What can Grids do for you?[/slogan]

Somebody on the Unity forums asked us whether our Grids library supports path finding over multiple grids.

It does.

This is another maze game, but with a twist: instead of finding your path from start to goal, you have to shuffle sections of the maze to create a path from start to finsh.  

What we did was to use the plugin to implement a grid of grids that supports two ways of access: either by using a single grid point, or by using a point that first accesses the big rectangular grid, then the smaller grid. The maze generation and path finding algorithms uses the first method – to them the grid looks just like a normal grid. But for user interaction and building the grid on screen, the latter approach is used, giving a lot of control.

What else can be done with this technique? Here are a few images giving a hint…

screen_7 screen_5


Click here to check out all 30 games 


1 thought on “Day 6 Game 6: 30 games in 30 days using Grids”

  1. Pingback: What are grid colorings? | Gamelogic

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