[button url=”http://www.gamelogic.co.za/examples/30-games-in-30-days/game07/” size=”large”]CLICK HERE TO PLAY GAME 7 [/button][divider]
[slogan]This is what Grids did for us today. What can Grids do for you?[/slogan]
Today’s game is a version of Conway’s Game of Life. Yes, we know it’s a bit of a cheat… since it is not a game at all! But no exploration of play on grids is complete without a bit of cellular automata.
We at Gamelogic are big fans of Conway – not only for his Game of Life, but also the work he has done on symmetry, which sets spiritual undertones for our Grids library. He did not use a computer when he first studied cellular automata – he used a Go board! We built ours on a rhombille grid – a term coined by Conway, kind of as a tribute and because it’s cool.
Our rules are: a cell dies when it has 4 or 0 living neighbors, and it comes to life when it has 2 living neighbors.
It’s surprisingly difficult to find rules with rich possibilities. This version has a few repeating patterns (a three-node shuriken, for example), but overall patterns are quite static. We did not discover gliders or other interesting figures, although they may exist.
Click here to check out all 30 games