Upgrading to Grids 2

Hi Everyone,

Grids 2 is out and we’re offering an upgrade to all of our Grids users.

  • Grids Pro users can upgrade to Grids 2 (Pro version) for 1USD.
  • Grids Basic and Grids Lite users can upgrade to Grids 2 (Pro version) for 5USD.

If you own a version of Grids Pro, Basic or Lite, simply go to the Grids 2 Asset Store page and click on upgrade.

Grids Pro has already been deprecated and the Lite and Basic versions will follow shortly. We wont be providing any further updates to Grids 1, Grids Basic or Grids Lite, so be sure to upgrade as this wont be available indefinitely. For the immediate future we will be shipping Grids 1 with Grids 2.

If you have any questions or problems feel free to check out or post on the Grids 2 Knowledge Base.

For anyone interested in buying Grids 2, we’re selling it at a discounted price (60% off) as part of a release sale. You can pick it up for 40USD (normal price 100USD).

Gamelogic Team

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