

Use Rect, Hex and Tri Grids

Grids Pro allows you to rapidly prototype and develop your games using all kinds of regular and semi-regular grids, including rectangular, isometric, hexagonal, triangular and polar grids.



Make Games in 2D or 3D

You can define your own 1D, 2D and 3D grids or customize size and shape to build your own unique games. Just set your grids up in the editor or build them in code.

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Make Use of Many Algorithms

Unity game development is also easier with the many algorithms of Grids, including A* path finding, range finding, matching longest connected line, biggest connected set), geometry and other mathematical operations, and more!

Pathfinding Hex image5002-6

Transform Grids Using Nodes

You can use Grids with Unity native sprites or your favourite sprite plugin including NGUI, 2D Toolkit and EZGUI. You can also build meshes for your grids in the editor and define your own 3D maps using a node editor.

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