Colors is a framework for generating coherent color palettes procedurally, using algorithms in code or a graph editor. It supports RGB, HSL and LAB color spaces. Includes rich parsing methods.
Provides a graph editor for editing procedural palettes. Supports many node types:
- Fixed or random colors
- Mix 2 colors
- Mix 3 colors randomly
- Make RGB, HSL, or LAB gradients
- Random offset
- Random walk from source color
- Set hue, saturation, or lightness to fixed value or randomly
- Sample an ellipse in the color space
For a full list, see Node Reference.
Provides color generation algorithms, including uniform random, random hue, value, or saturation, random from gradient, random mix of three colors, four-point harmony, random tints or shades, random sample from ellipse in the color space. See Algorithm Reference.
Gradient extensions methods:
- Get Lerp Func
- Sample evenly
Support for additional color models which includes interpolation, gradients, and conversion between models.
Supports color parsing from strings:
- Hexadecimal codes (with or without hash, with or without alpha, with or without half the digits).
- Color names for Unity colors.
- Grey color values (using bytes or floats, with or without alpha).
- RGB and RGBA color values (using bytes or floats).