
Extensions supplements the Unity API with convenient features, math utilities, data structures, pattern classes, and extended editor support. Boost your productivity and streamline your workflow.

The library contains:


  • Singleton: The classic Unity singleton for providing global access to certain MonoBehaviours. 
  • Pools: Classes for reusing objects, with optimizations for hashable objects. Designed to build custom pools from. 
  • State machine: Class for managing states and methods that should execute when states change or as it persists. Designed to build custom state machines from.
  • Pushdown Automaton: A state machine that remembers past states and can transition back to them FIFO-style.
  • Clock: Class for executing once-of or regularly timed events. Includes an event for seconds to make clock UIs easier to implement. 
  • ImplementationFactory: Class for creating objects from generic parameters, especially useful for testing different implementations of the same interface. Can serve as the basis for a service locator. 
  • ObservedValue: Class for raising events when a value changes.  
  • Optional: Types to indicate optional values in the inspector. 
  • StateTracker: Classes for raising events when sets of operations complete. 

Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Collection extensions: Provides useful extension methods for collections, lists, enumerables, and arrays. 
  • Generators: Objects that work like random generators, but not random. Useful for creating patterns, or random values with elaborate constraints.
  • ResponseCurve: Represents a piecewise linear function from float to any “continuous” type. Ships with response curves for float, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, and Color. 
  • Combinatorial algorithms: Class for generating combinations, permutations, the power set, and partitions of a set.
  • LSystem: Supports rewriting strings using rules that can be the basis of certain procedural generation algorithms. 


  • PlayerPrefs: Adds support for bool and array types, and for scoping. 
  • MonoBehaviour: Provides convenience methods such as Instantiate, Invoke (using actions), Tween, GetRequiredComponent, DestroyUniversal, and Clone.
  • GameObject: Provides GetRequiredComponent.
  • Transform: Provides convenience methods for common transformations, useful lazy enumerables.
  • Vector: Provides methods to get a copy of a vector with some coordinates changed, conversion methods from 2D to 3D, methods for basic transformations, “projection and rejection operations, the perp dot product, and Hadamard multiplication and division. 
  • Color: Provides convenient methods to get a color lighter, darker, or with specified brightness or alpha value. 
  • Math: Provides division and modular operations that work correctly with negative numbers, methods for getting fractional value or sign, and methods for doing circular lerping.
  • Debug: Provides a way to add a label to messages, useful when working with console extensions such as Console Pro. 
  • Image: Adds SetAlpha and Set Visible methods.

Editor Extensions

  • Useful decorators and property drawers: Comment, Dummy, Highlight, Flags, Labels, NonNegative, Positive, and WarningIfNull.
  • FieldTypes: List (more usable than older Unity lists), MinMaxFloat, and MinMaxInt.
  • Inspector buttons: Turn methods into buttons that display at the bottom of a component. 
  • GLEditorGUI: Convenient base class for editors. 


  • ScreenshotTaker: Capture screenshots in both the game and the editor effortlessly.
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