Namespace Gamelogic.Grids2
- AbstractBounds<TPoint>
Represents a axis-aligned bounding space. Concrete implementations for 1D (GridInterval), 2D (GridRect) and 3D (GridRect) is provided.
- AbstractGrid<TPoint, TCell>
Base class of concrete implementations of the IGrid interface.
- Algorithms
This class provide generic functions for common grid operations, such as finding the shortest path or connected shapes.
- Array<T>
Base class for arrays used to configure nested arrays in the inspector.
This class provides all the implementation needed. Base classes are provided only so that the generic parameter is specified so that the base classes can be used in the inspector.
- BlockPoint
Provides constants and methods for working with points in block grids.
- ColorFunction
This is an inspectable presentation of a grid coloring, using three parameters as explained here:
- ColorFunction3
This is an inspectable presentation of a grid coloring, using six parameters.
- DebugMesh
A component to draw gizmos at vertices that makes it easier to debug meshes.
- EnumerableExtensions
Extensions for IEnumerable.
- EqualsComparer<T>
Use this class in constructors of HashSets and Dictionaries that take point types(such as PointyHexPoint) as keys.
- ExplicitShape
Class for creating and manipulating explicit shapes.
- ExplicitShape.ExplicitShape1
Concrete implementation of a 1D ExplicitShape.
- ExplicitShape.ExplicitShape2
Concrete implementation of a 2D ExplicitShape.
- ExplicitShape.ExplicitShape3
Concrete implementation of a 3D ExplicitShape.
- ExplicitShape.Hex
Class with methods for hex grid shapes.
- ExplicitShape.Rect
Class with methods for rect grid shapes.
- FloatArray
An Array of float.
- Grid1<TCell>
1D implementation of a IGrid<TPoint, TCell>.
- Grid2<TCell>
A 2D implementation of a IGrid<TPoint, TCell>.
- Grid3<TCell>
3D implementation of a IGrid<TPoint, TCell>.
- GridBehaviour<TCell>
Base class of grid behaviours that is not generic in the point type.
- GridBehaviour<TPoint, TCell>
A grid behaviour is a GLMonoBehaviour that can be used next to a GridBuilder and provides easy access to the grid and map of the grid builder.
- GridBounds
Discrete version of the
U:Bounds class. Represents a axis-aligned cuboid with with vertices at grid points.
- GridBuilderUtils
Class that provides utility methods for working with grids.
- GridBuilder<TCell>
Base class for grid builders. A grid builder builds a visual presentation of a grid.
- GridColors
A class that can be used to color a tile grid with a color function.
- GridEvent
Use for displaying events of the GridEventTrigger in the inspector.
- GridEventTrigger
This is a simple event trigger for 2D grids. To use it, add it on your grid builder, and link in the methods you want to trigger in the respective fields.
- GridExtensions
Provides extension methods for grids.
- GridInterval
Represents a discrete interval. This is the 1D version of GridRect and GridBounds.
- GridMap<TDiscreteType>
A grid map is used to convert from grid space to world space.
The map is composed from two separate maps. The space map takes a point in grid space, and positions it in world space. The points from grid space need not be discrete. For example, in a rect grid, the point (0.5, 0.5) represents the top right vertex of the cell at (0,0).
The round map makes continuous grid points discrete. I a rect grid, for example, the point (0.3, 0.3) is rounded to (0, 0).
- GridPoint1
Provides constants and methods for points of 1D Grids, that is, integers.
- GridRect
Represents an axis-aligned rectangle. This is the discrete version of
U:Rect .
- GridShapeGraph
Class for selecting the grid type and setting an associated graph.
- GridTypeExtensions
Contains extension methods for the GridType enum.
- GridUtils
Class with utility methods for grids.
- HexBlockPoint
Class with methods for working with hex block points.
- ImplicitShape
Provides methods for creating and manipulating implicit shapes.
- IntArray
An Array of int.
- Interval
Represents an interval. This is the 1D analog of
U:Rect andU:Bounds .
- Map
Provides methods for creating and manipulating maps.
- MatrixExtensions
Provides extension methods for matrices.
- MeshCell
A cell that can be used in mesh grids.
- MeshData
This class provides methods that can be used to construct a mesh for a grid, and is used in mesh builders.
- MeshDataFromMesh
Uses a mesh for an actual cell to generate full mesh data for a grid.
- MeshGridBuilder
A grid builder that uses a single mesh for the entire grid.
- MeshStripMeshData
Creates mesh data from a quad that is subdivided a number of times to make a horizontal strip for each cell.
- MeshTileCell
A tile cell that uses a mesh for its visual presentation.
- MeshTileGridBuilder
A builder that uses separate objects for each cell of a grid.
- PeriodicGridMeshData
Used to specify mesh data for periodic grids.
- PointyHexPoint
Provides constants and methods for working with points in pointy hex grids.
- PolygonPartition
Class that provides methods for working woth polygons partitions.
- Polyominoes
Contains functions for making polyomino shape grids.
- Polyominoes.Hexomino
Contains functions for making hexomino shapes (six connected squares).
- Polyominoes.Pentomino
Contains functions for making pentomino shapes (five connected squares).
- Polyominoes.Tetromino
Contains functions for making tetromino shapes (four connected squares).
- Polyominoes.Triomino
Contains functions for making triomino shapes (three connected squares).
- RectPoint
Provides constants and methods for working with points in rect grids.
- RoundTypeExtensions
Class that defines extension methods for enum RoundType.
- SpriteCell
A cell that is rendered as a sprite.
- StructList<T>
An implementation of IList for grid points that is safe to use with the AOT compiler.
- TileCell
The base class of all tile cells.
- TileGridBuilder
A builder that uses separate objects for each cell of a grid.
- UVCell
Similar to a sprite cell, but with custom UV coordinates. This type of cell is useful when placing a single texture across multiple cells.
- UniformGridMeshData
Used to specify mesh data for uniform grids.
- Vector2Array
An Array of Vector2.
- Vector3Array
An Array of Vector3.
- VertexColors
A grid behaviour that can be used with a mesh grid builder to set vertex colors based on a color function.
- GridPoint2
A discrete 2D vector, used to index into 2D grids.
- GridPoint3
A discrete 3D vector, used to index into 3D grids.
- InspectableGridPoint2
Grid points are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- InspectableGridPoint3
Grid points are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- InspectableMatrixf2x2
Matrices are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- InspectableMatrixf3x3
Matrices are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- InspectableMatrixi2x2
Matrices are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- InspectableMatrixi3x3
Matrices are immutable, and cannot be used in the inspector. This class can be used instead.
- Matrixf22
Represents a 2x2 matrices with float values.
- Matrixf33
Represents a 3x3 matrices with float values.
- Matrixi22
Represents a 2x2 matrices with integer values.
- Matrixi33
Represents a 3x3 matrices with integer values.
- PointCellPair<TPoint, TCell>
Simple struct that holds a read-only
. This is the type over which grids are enumerable.
- IColorableCell
Represents a cell whose color can be set.
- IExplicitShape<TPoint>
Represents a point set that is an implicit shape, and in addition, can generate all the points it contains.
- IForwardMap<TInput, TOutput>
Represents a function.
- IGridMap<TDiscreteInputType, TContinuousInputType, TOutput>
A grid map is used to convert from grid space to world space.
- IGrid<TPoint>
An explicit shape that has for each of its points a value associated.
- IGrid<TPoint, TCell>
An explicit shape that has for each of its points a value, called a cell, associated.
- IImplicitShape<TPoint>
An implicit shape is a representation of a (discrete) point set that can determine whether a given point is in the shape or not.
- IMap<TInput, TOutput>
Represents a function and its inverse.
- IPointPartition2
A partition of a 2D point set, with each partition denoted by a 0-based index.
- IPointSet2
Represents a set of points with a method to determine whether a given point is in the set.
- IReverseMap<TInput, TOutput>
Represents the inverse of a function.
- GridType
The type of built-in grids.
- HorizontalAlignment
How an object (such as a grid) is aligned horizontally within a rectangle.
- MapPlane
An enumeration of the two basic types of 2D planes (in 3D space) used in the library.
- Polyominoes.Hexomino.Type
Represents the hexomino types by their standard names.
- Polyominoes.Pentomino.Type
Represents the pentomino types by their standard names.
- Polyominoes.Tetromino.Type
Represents the tetromino types by their standard names.
- Polyominoes.Triomino.Type
Represents the triomino type by their standard names.
- RoundType
Types of rounding.
- VerticalAlignment
How an object (such as a grid) is aligned vertically within a rectangle.