Class RectPoint
Provides constants and methods for working with points in rect grids.
public static class RectPoint
- Inheritance
- Inherited Members
- DiagonalDirections
A list of diagonal directions in a rect grid.
- DiagonalLines
A list containing maps that represent diagonal lines.
- East
The point one unit to the east of the origin.
- HorizontalLine
A map that represents a horizontal line.
- North
The point one unit to the north of the origin.
- NorthEast
The point one unit to the north and one unit to the east of the origin.
- NorthWest
The point one unit to the north and one unit to the west of the origin.
- OrthogonalAndDiagonalDirections
A list of orthogonal and diagonal directions in a rect grid.
- OrthogonalDirections
A list of orthogonal directions in a rect grid.
- OrthogonalLines
A list containing maps that represent orthogonal lines, that is, horizontal lines and vertical lines.
- South
The point one unit to the south of the origin.
- SouthEast
The point one unit to the south and one unit to the east of the origin.
- SouthWest
The point one unit to the south and one unit to the west of the origin.
- VerticalLine
A map that represents a vertical line.
- West
The point one unit to the west of the origin.
- ChebychevNorm(GridPoint2)
Returns the Euclidean norm of a point, defined as the maximum of the absolute values of the coordinates.
- ChebychevNorm(Vector2)
Returns the Euclidean norm of a point, defined as the maximum of the absolute values of the coordinates.
- EuclideanNorm(GridPoint2)
Returns the Euclidean norm of a point, defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the coordinates.
- EuclideanNorm(Vector2)
Returns the Euclidean norm of a point, defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the coordinates.
- GetDiagonalNeighbors(GridPoint2)
Gets the diagonal neighbors of a point.
- GetOrthogonalAndDiagonalNeighbors(GridPoint2)
Gets the orthogonal and diagonal neighbors of a point.
- GetOrthogonalNeighbors(GridPoint2)
Gets the orthogonal neighbors of a point.
- GetSpiralIterator(IImplicitShape<GridPoint2>, GridPoint2, int)
Get's an enumerable of shape points in a square spiral outwards from a given point, assuming the points represents coordinates in a rect grid.
- KnightNorm(GridPoint2)
Returns the knight norm of a point, defined by the minimum number of moves a knight chess-piece will need to reach it starting at the origin.
- ManhattanNorm(GridPoint2)
Returns the Manhattan norm of a point, defined as the sum of the absolute values of the coordinates.
- ManhattanNorm(Vector2)
Returns the Manhattan norm of a point, defined as the sum of the absolute values of the coordinates.
- ReflectAboutX(GridPoint2)
Rotates the specified point about the X axis.
- ReflectAboutY(GridPoint2)
Rotates the specified point about the X axis.
- Rotate180(GridPoint2)
Rotates the specified point by 180 degrees around the origin.
- Rotate270(GridPoint2)
Rotates the specified point counterclockwise by 270 degrees around the origin.
- Rotate90(GridPoint2)
Rotates the specified point counterclockwise by 90 degrees around the origin.
- RoundToGridPoint(Vector2)
Rounds a Vector2 to a grid point by rounding each coordinate.