Table of Contents

Class Algorithms


This class provide generic functions for common grid operations, such as finding the shortest path or connected shapes.

public static class Algorithms
Inherited Members


AStar<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, TPoint, TPoint, Func<TPoint, TPoint, float>, Func<TPoint, bool>, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, float>)

Find the shortest path between a start and goal node.

AggregateNeighborhood<TPoint, TCell>(IGrid<TPoint, TCell>, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<IEnumerable<TPoint>, TCell>)

Creates a new grid where the neighbors of a point are aggregated to the grid changing the type of the points.

AggregateNeighborhood<TPoint, TResultCell>(IGrid<TPoint>, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<IEnumerable<TPoint>, TResultCell>)

Creates a new grid where the neighbors of a point are aggregated to the grid changing the type of the points.

Contains<TPoint>(IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>)

Checks whether all the points in smallShape are contained in the bigShape.


Gets the biggest shape (by number of points) in the given list.

GetConnectedLines<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

Gets the longest line of connected points that contains this point. GetConnectedRays<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IForwardMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

GetConnectedRays<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IForwardMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

Returns a list containing lines connected to the given points. A line is a list of points. Only returns correct results for square or hex grids.

GetConnectedSet<TPoint>(IExplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>)

Gets the largest connected set in the grid from the given point.

GetLongestConnectedLine<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

Get the longest line of points connected to the given point

GetLongestConnectedRay<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IForwardMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

Gets the longest of the rays connected to this cell. GetConnectedRays<TPoint>(IImplicitShape<TPoint>, TPoint, IEnumerable<IForwardMap<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

GetPointsInRangeCost<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, bool>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, int>, int)

Gets all the points (and their costs) from a given point in a given range. This result is stored and returned in a dictionary.

GetPointsInRangeCost<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, bool>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, float>, float)

A generic function that returns the points in range based on a given start point, moveRange, and a function that returns the cost of moving between neighboring cells.

GetPointsInRange<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, bool>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, int>, int)

A generic function that returns the points in range based on a given start point, moveRange, and a function that returns the cost of moving between neighboring cells.

GetPointsInRange<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, bool>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, float>, float)

A generic function that returns the points in range based on a given start point, moveRange, and a function that returns the cost of moving between neighboring cells.

IsConnected<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>)

The set of points is connected if there is a path from one point to each other point in the set. A path exists between two points if isConnected returns true for the two points, or there exists a third point that has a path to both.

IsConnected<TPoint, TCell>(IGrid<TPoint, TCell>, TPoint, TPoint, Func<TPoint, IEnumerable<TPoint>>, Func<TPoint, TPoint, bool>)

The set is connected if the set of points are neighbor-connected, and isNeighborsConnected return true for each two neighbors in the set.Two points are connected if they are neighbors, or one point has a neighbor that is neighbor-connected with the other point.

Another way to put this is, this function returns true if there is a set that connects point1 to point2.

IsEquivalentUnderTransformsAndTranslation<TPoint>(IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<Func<TPoint, TPoint>>, Func<IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>>)

Applies a function to the shapes and then checks if the results are equivalent.

IsEquivalentUnderTranslation<TPoint>(IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>, Func<IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>>)

Applies a function to the shapes and then checks if the results are equivalent.

IsEquivalent<TPoint>(IEnumerable<TPoint>, IEnumerable<TPoint>)

Checks if two shapes are equivalent. This happen when all shape1 points are contained in shape2 and vice versa.

TransformShape<TPoint>(IEnumerable<TPoint>, Func<TPoint, TPoint>)

Transform each point in the list with the give point transformation.