Namespace Gamelogic.Words
- AlphabetExtensions
A collection of extension methods common to all alphabet implementations
- AlphabetSettings
Container class to hold alphabet settings for a
- DictionaryExtensions
A collection of extension methods common to all dictionary implementations
- DictionaryLoadSettings
Container class to hold dictionary loading settings for a
- DictionaryTransformation
Extend this class to provide custom transformations to dictionaries when loading them. Set the Filter Mode of a WordsDictionaryComponent<TAlphabet, TDictionary>to custom, and attach any number of custom derived classes. Their transformations will be applied to loaded words in the order that scripts are added.
- LatinAlphabet
A standard representation of a Latin alphabet
- TrieDictionary
A dictionary represented as a trie. Allows for fast lookups and prefix-based search
- TrieDictionaryNode
A node in the dictionary trie
- Utils
Some utility functions
- Word
A replacement for the string class that supports multi-character letters. Each letter is a string.
Instances of this class are immutable.
Words can be constructed from strings using the relevant Alphabet.CreateWord.
The method Alphabet.Compare can be used to compare strings.
- WordAlgorithms
Class containing various word algorithms
- WordsDefaultDictionaryComponent
Default dictionary component manager, which managed and creates a TrieDictionary and underlying LatinAlphabet
- WordsDictionaryComponent<TAlphabet, TDictionary>
A singleton component to manage creation and access of a dictionary and alphabet
- IWordAlphabet
An interface to manage a representation of an alphabet
- IWordDictionary
An interface for a dictionary of words