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Class GridAlgorithms

[Version(1, 0, 0)]
public static class GridAlgorithms
Inherited Members


AreAllLinesWords(IGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IEnumerable<GridPoint2>, IWordDictionary)
CheckForWord(AbstractGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IWordDictionary, GridPoint2)

Check if any words can be made starting at this block and moving in any direction outwards

CheckForWord(AbstractGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IWordDictionary, GridPoint2, IList<GridPoint2>)

Check if any words can be made starting at this block and moving in the given directions

CheckForWord(IGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IWordDictionary, GridPoint2, Func<GridPoint2, int, GridPoint2>, int)

Check if any words can be made starting at this block and moving in any direction outwards

FillGridWithLetters<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint, string>, IWordAlphabet, bool, IRandom)

Fills a grid with letters

FillGridWithLetters<TPoint>(IGrid<TPoint, string>, Func<string>, bool)

Fills a grid with letters

FillGridWithWords(AbstractGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IWordAlphabet, IEnumerable<Word>, IRandom)

Fills a grid with a given collection of words

FillGridWithWords(IGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IWordAlphabet, IEnumerable<Word>, Func<GridPoint2, int, bool, GridPoint2>, int, IRandom)

Fills a grid with a given collection of words, providing the valid reading directions for the words

FindAllConnectedLines(IGrid<GridPoint2, string>, IEnumerable<GridPoint2>)
GetConnectedLines<TCell>(IGrid<GridPoint2, TCell>, GridPoint2, Func<GridPoint2, GridPoint2, bool>)

Gets all the cells in the grid that is connected in a "line" from the given point.

GetConnectedLines<TCell>(IGrid<GridPoint2, TCell>, GridPoint2, Func<GridPoint2, GridPoint2, bool>, Func<GridPoint2, int, bool, GridPoint2>, int)

Gets all the cells in the grid that is connected in a "line" from the given point. Line is defined by an arbitrary function that gives the next point in line, given a current point, the direction, and whether to go forward or backward.