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GridExtensions Class

Provides extension methods for grids.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Gamelogic.Grids2
Assembly:  Assembly-CSharp (in Assembly-CSharp.dll) Version:
public static class GridExtensions

The GridExtensions type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberApplyTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, ActionTCell)
Applies an action for each cell in the grid.
Public methodStatic memberApplyTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, ActionTPoint)
Applies an action for each cell in the grid.
Public methodStatic memberCloneTPoint, TCell
Returns a shallow copy of the given grid.
Public methodStatic memberCloneStructureTPoint, TNewCell(IGridTPoint, FuncTNewCell)
Creates a grid with a new cell type, and set the value of each cell to the value return by a given function.
Public methodStatic memberCloneStructureTPoint, TNewCell(IGridTPoint, FuncTPoint, TNewCell)
Creates a grid with a new cell type, and set the value of each cell to the value return by a given function.
Public methodStatic memberCloneStructureTPoint, TNewCell(IGridTPoint, TNewCell)
Creates a grid with a new cell type, and set the value of each cell to the given initial value.
Public methodStatic memberFillTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, FuncTCell)
Sets each cell in the grid to the value returned by a given function.
Public methodStatic memberFillTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, FuncTPoint, TCell)
Sets each cell in the grid to the value returned by a given function.
Public methodStatic memberFillTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, TCell)
Sets each cell in the grid to the given value.
Public methodStatic memberGetPointsTPoint
Public methodStatic memberGetValueTPoint, TCell
Gets the value at the specified point.
Public methodStatic memberInTPoint
Selects all the points in the list also in the given shape.
Public methodStatic memberSetValueTPoint, TCell
Sets the value of a grid at a specified point.
Public methodStatic memberToGridTCell(IExplicitShapeGridPoint2)
Creates a new grid in the given shape.
Public methodStatic memberToGridTCell(IExplicitShapeGridPoint3)
Creates a new grid in the given shape.
Public methodStatic memberToGridTCell(IExplicitShapeInt32)
Creates a new grid in the given shape.
Public methodStatic memberTransformTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, FuncTCell, TCell)
Transforms the contents of a grid using a given transform.
Public methodStatic memberTransformTPoint, TCell(IGridTPoint, TCell, FuncTPoint, TCell, TCell)
Transforms the contents of a grid using a given transform.
See Also