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Gamelogic.Extensions Namespace

Public classClock
Represents a clock that expires after a given time.
Public classColorExtensions
Provides some utility functions for Colors.
Public classColorList
An InspectorList of type Color.
Public classCommentAttribute
Used to mark a field to add a comment above the field in the inspector.
Public classDummyAttribute
Used to mark the last field in a MonoBehaviour as a dummy so that it is not drawn. This is useful to add a decorator that should be displayed below all fields.
Public classFloatList
An InspectorList of type float.
Public classGeometry
Provides utility methods for doing geometry.
Public classGLDebug
Class that contains methods useful for debugging. All methods are only compiled if the DEBUG symbol is defined.
Public classGLMathf
Methods for additional math functions.
Public classGLMonoBehaviour
Provides some additional functions for MonoBehaviour.
Public classGLPlayerPrefs
An alternative to PlayerPrefs that provides methods for setting bool and array preferences.
Public classGLRandom
Some convenience functions for random bools and integers.
Public classHighlightAttribute
Mark simple types to be highligted in the inspector.
Public classInspectorButtonAttribute
[!:Gamelogic.Extensions.Editor.Internal.GLEditor.DrawInspectorButtons] draws a button for each method marked with this attribute. This is also used by [!:Gamelogic.Extensions.Editor.GLMonoBehaviourEditor].
Public classInspectorFlagsAttribute
Mark fields that should be displayed as bit field mask in the inspector
Public classInspectorList
The base class for the generic InspectorList. This class exists so that a single property drawer can be use for all sub classes.
Public classInspectorListT
Exactly the same as generic List, but has a custom property drawer that draws a re-orderable list in the inspector.
Public classIntList
An InspectorList of type int.
Public classCode exampleLabelFieldAttribute
Specifies a field to use as label for an item in the inspector. This is especially useful for arrays of compound types.
Public classMinMaxFloat
Class for representing a bounded range.
Public classMinMaxInt
Class for representing a bounded range.
Public classMonoBehaviourExtensions
Provides useful extension methods for MonoBehaviours.
Public classMonoBehaviourList
An InspectorList of type MonoBehaviour.
Public classMonoBehaviourPoolT
A pool suitable for MonoBehaviour objects that can be instantiated from a given prefab.
Public classNonNegativeAttribute
Mark numeric values that should always be non-negative.
Public classCode exampleNotImplementedByException
A version of NotImplementedException that takes the throwing type as argument. This is useful in class hierarchies where methods are meant to be overridden by derived types but cannot be made abstract (for example, because of Unity limitations). The exception, when thrown, indicates which class should have implemented the method, but hasn't.
Public classObjectExtensions
Provides extensions for objects.
Public classObjectList
An InspectorList of type Object.
Public classObservedValueT
Wraps a variable in a class that triggers an event if the value changes. This is useful when values can be meaningfully compared using Equals, and when the variable changes infrequently in comparison to the number of times it is updated.
Public classOptional
The base class of the generic Optional class.
Public classOptionalT
Useful for displaying optional values in the inspector.
Public classOptionalFloat
Represents an optional float value.
Public classOptionalGameObject
Represents an optional GameObject.
Public classOptionalInt
Represents an optional int value.
Public classOptionalMonoBehaviour
Represents an optional MonoBehaviour.
Public classOptionalString
Represents an optional string value.
Public classOptionalVector2
Represents an optional Vector2 value.
Public classOptionalVector3
Represents an optional Vector3 value.
Public classPoolT
A light-weight pool class. Can be used out of the box, or as base for more sophisticated pools.
Public classPositiveAttribute
Mark fields that should always be positive with this attribute.
Public classPushdownAutomatonTLabel
This class is a state machine that has the ability to remember previous states and transition back to them (FIFO).
Public classReadOnlyAttribute
Used to mark inspectable fields as read-only (that is, making them uneditable, even if they are visible).
Public classResourceNotFoundException
Thrown when trying to load a resource (using Load(String) and variants) but the resource is not found.
Public classScreenshotTaker
A component that makes it easy to take screenshots, usually for development purposes.
Public classSingletonT
Generic Implementation of a Singleton MonoBehaviour.
Public classStateMachineTLabel
A lightweight state machine.
Public classStateTrackerTStateData
Tracks a number of states. Events are raised when any state is started, and when all has stopped.
Public classStringList
An InspectorList of type string.
Public classTimedStateTrackerTStateData
The same as StateTracker, but states can also time out.
Public classTransformExtensions
Contains useful extensions for Select.
Public classTypeArgumentException
Thrown when a method is called with illegal type parameters, or a class is constructed with illegal type parameters.
Public classVector2List
An InspectorList of type Vector2.
Public classVector3List
An InspectorList of type Vector3.
Public classVector4List
An InspectorList of type Vector4.
Public classVectorExtensions
Contains useful extension methods for vectors.
Public classCode exampleWarningIfNullAttribute
Mark fields in a MonoBehaviour with this attribute to give a specific warning when the field is not set.
Public interfaceIRandom
Represents a random generator.
Public interfaceIStateTokenTStateData
When a new state is started in a tracker, a token is created that wraps custom data, and can be used to stop the state later.