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Gamelogic.AbstractStrategy Namespace

Public classGameMoveTPoint, TPieceSettings
A class that represents a change in state to the game. Moves can change their state forwards and backwards, so that they can undo changes that they have made and restore the former state
Public classGameRulesTPoint, TPieceSettings
Class to handle general game flow, moving between states, move logic and validation, and victory states. Attach victory rules to this object to have them processed when the game progresses.
Public classHumanPlayerTGameState, TPoint, TPieceSettings
Class to represent a human player, who makes decisions on how to act. You will probably not use this class directly, and instead use the non-generic variant GridHumanPlayer
Public classMoveManagerTPoint, TPieceSettings
Management class for move states
Public classPieceRuleTPoint, TPieceSettings
Rule object describing how a given type of piece behaves. Implement these and attach them to PieceSettingsTPoint, TSelf objects to describe behaviours for specific pieces. You can disable the behaviour with enabled to temporarily disable a rule.
Public classPieceSettingsTPoint, TSelf
Class to contain settings for each pieces. Attach rules for each piece as additional components to this script.
Public classPlayerTPoint, TPieceSettings
Player base class
Public classTurnManagerTPoint, TPieceSettings
Class that manages turn states for the game.
Public classVictoryRulesTPoint, TPieceSettings
A component that represents a game victory rule. You can disable the behaviour with enabled to temporarily disable a victory rule.
Public classWaitForAnimationMoveTPoint, TPieceSettings
Class that handles waiting for animation
Public interfaceIGameManagerTPoint, TPieceSettings
Base interface for game management component. Most likely you will use GridGameManager instead of implementing this interface.
Public interfaceIGamePiece
Interface implemented by visual game piece objects
Public interfaceIGameRulesTPoint, TPieceSettings
Interface for object which provides game rules
Public interfaceIGameStateTPoint, TPieceSettings
Base class for object that represents the game state. Knows about all pieces added to itself
Public interfaceIMoveAnimator
Interface for any class that handles animation of a piece during a move
Public interfaceIPieceProperties
Information about a piece. Each piece should have a unique combination of pieceID and playerID, and a universally unique uniqueID
Public enumerationGameState
Different states a game can be in
Public enumerationMoveMode
Enum describing which direction a move is operating in
Public enumerationPieceMovementRules
Rules concerning movement for a given piece
Public enumerationPiecePlacementRules
Rules concerning placement for a given piece
Public enumerationPlayerTurnState
Different states a player turn can be in
Public enumerationVictoryCheckTime
Selects which points in the game loop victory will be checked
Public enumerationVictoryType
The types of victory states that can be achieved